Please fill out the form below.  The form will populated out based on the answers you give, so just trust the form and continue to answer the questions.  For all names please do not use players formal names, we do not need that info, we would much rather have the names that people like to be called.  Email [email protected] for help. DO NOT put in a phone number that is not yours. 

Local players…we don’t want to leave you out! We understand it might be tough to pay for an event like ours playing on courts you frequent or call home. We also understand the value of having local players at our events and how much more successful we can be with you.  If you are local, shoot us an email and let us know.  We will send you a promotional code to save you some money. We look forward to sharing our passion with you.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software